Friday, August 29, 2008


This photo was taken literally 20 minutes after I threw up back stage. Not the "Rot your teeth, keep your job," kind either. The awful food poison kind. I was sick for like 2 days and in such bad shape. No clue how I still did that show. Guess it may have made my face a little more pale. They're into that here.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


This guys won Nick and I 5000 baht.
Waiting for pirated DVDs.
The Muay Thai Champion. Weighing in at 126.
Massive reclining Buddha.
Shoot for Singha Life in Hua Hin.
Jason playing his guitar that said "dollar store" on the side. Doesn't matter if they cannot read english.
Working. :)

I kept reminding myself that we get paid the same.Singha Life group shot.
Kahner at the floating market.

Dana and a monkey...They totally did that on their own.
Kahner is loosing it cause he loves elephants so much.

SO many fish.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Late last night I got back from Hua Hin, where I was for 2 days. I was working for a new clothing line that Singha is opening up next month. It was really fun, I had a great time. It was a lifestyle shoot, so the 4 other guys, 2 girls and I got to just goof off a lot and they filmed and photographed the whole thing. When I got back into town I found out I was booked for the 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 1st and 2nd, on 4 different jobs. I have gotten every job I have been to a casting for, I am so stoked. They like skinny and pale here. I had to ditch the runway job on the 1st and 2nd cause I am taking a plane up to Lao to renew my visa. Kahner, Dana and Nick got back from a little tour of the islands this morning and we have been relaxing and hanging out around the mall all day. I am just relieved that I am making more than enough money to live comfortably. Thai Baht isnt really worth that much so saving money to bring home will be rough, but here I can live without really worrying too much. I can finally buy nice things. I haven't been able to do that since I lived at home, and even then it was super rare. It's a nice feeling, not having to worry so much. I pick up my first envelope full of cash tomorrow. *sigh*

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


AH! So Nick and I are in Bangkok, finally. I am so glad to be here and have him with me. We have just been going out every day, leaving early in the morning and not coming home until late at night. A really great time so far. My 3rd night here, his 2nd, we went to a world championship kickboxing match and sat right up in front with the owner of the place, the promoter, and the guy that owns twin gloves. It was so glarly, the guys look so huge from down beneath the ring, then we went in back and took a picture with the champion of the headlining fight and he didnt even come up to my shoulders, then I looked and saw he weighs 126. That guys could break me at 165 se damn easily its not even funny. After that, Kahner Trigg and Dana Reynolds came and stayed with us for 2 nights which was really cool, then they went to a tiger temple and will be back with us again tomorrow night. We are going to the floating market the morning after they get in. I had my first shoot for some magazine I have never heard of today, but the clothes were good and I had a really good time. And the stylist said he wants to use me for his show in October, which is cool cause pay is usually more for shows than print. We have been so busy since Nikki and his mom, Tina, got here a few days ago. Going to malls, markets, temples, a mass peace rally, meeting up with Nick's Dad's boy Zuzu, who is like the thai Santana, which is awesome. haha anyways, I have to jet, our hour here is almost up and I dont want to get stuck paying another 20 baht. not really, thats only like $0.75, it feels like monopoly money.

Monday, August 4, 2008

A few days ago teacher came by the house and was ringing the doorbell a million times and yelling my name into the open window. When I got downstairs he was all amped to see me because i hadn't seen him in a few days. Then we sat outside and smoked cigarettes waiting for his friend Noy to come and get us. Then he had to convince Thong to let me go with him to some small village called Ban Duean(?), We walked around and met some of the people teacher worked with when he lived there for 11 years, then went back to his brothers house and sat on the floor drinking brandy and eating chicken, beef and mushrooms. They let me know that you had to go through the forest for about a day and a half to collect just a plate full of those mushrooms. They were really good. After that we went back and met up with Thong at the office and he had a bunch of work to do so we just went and got some more food at this restaurant that i went to during my first week here. I found out that Noy, the guy that was driving us the whole time, was the owner of the place and he was super sweet. He was telling teacher to tell me that if I was in Thabo and I had the opportunity I should come by the restaurant and he would take care of me. He actually said he would take care of everything he could except....(then he pointed to a group of gals outside the karaoke place next door and started cracking up, sweet).
Last night I went to a show with Thong and some of his friends. It was actually pretty fun, there were a lot of young people from Thabo dancing and going nuts and I was at a table in the back with 9 sweet old guys drinking whiskey and eating some snacks they kept bringing out. We stayed out until 3:30 in the morning and by the end of the night I was pretty ready to crash.