Tuesday, August 12, 2008


AH! So Nick and I are in Bangkok, finally. I am so glad to be here and have him with me. We have just been going out every day, leaving early in the morning and not coming home until late at night. A really great time so far. My 3rd night here, his 2nd, we went to a world championship kickboxing match and sat right up in front with the owner of the place, the promoter, and the guy that owns twin gloves. It was so glarly, the guys look so huge from down beneath the ring, then we went in back and took a picture with the champion of the headlining fight and he didnt even come up to my shoulders, then I looked and saw he weighs 126. That guys could break me at 165 se damn easily its not even funny. After that, Kahner Trigg and Dana Reynolds came and stayed with us for 2 nights which was really cool, then they went to a tiger temple and will be back with us again tomorrow night. We are going to the floating market the morning after they get in. I had my first shoot for some magazine I have never heard of today, but the clothes were good and I had a really good time. And the stylist said he wants to use me for his show in October, which is cool cause pay is usually more for shows than print. We have been so busy since Nikki and his mom, Tina, got here a few days ago. Going to malls, markets, temples, a mass peace rally, meeting up with Nick's Dad's boy Zuzu, who is like the thai Santana, which is awesome. haha anyways, I have to jet, our hour here is almost up and I dont want to get stuck paying another 20 baht. not really, thats only like $0.75, it feels like monopoly money.


Unknown said...

The old guys with the whiskey are my favorite... they'll find you some tail.

Not really...


Call me soon... Everyone here wants to hear from you.

Miss you man...


Anonymous said...

Awesome buddy! You and Nick tearing up Bangkok, sweet. Great to hear about the modeling gigs, be sweet if you became self supporting. What do you miss most from the states (well after Andrea, and ME of course)? love,